
As of May 24, 2024, the Bendigo Roofing & Renovations (“BRR”) website provides general information. BRR assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions on its website.

BRR redirects all inquiries to third-party professionals. We don’t offer commercial refrigeration services directly. While we strive for accuracy, we acknowledge the possibility of errors. Therefore, neither we (site owners) nor our contractors can guarantee the accuracy or completeness of all published information. BRR cannot be held liable for misinterpretation of the information provided. Users are advised to verify the information from reliable sources.

We don’t verify contractors’ licenses, certifications, or competence. Contractors are responsible for providing accurate information regarding their credentials. Users should request all necessary information, including licenses, insurance, certification, and any other required details, from the contractors. Verify all credentials and required information directly with the contractor and any applicable licensing authority.

Any agreements for work arranged through this website are solely between contractors and customers. BRR will not be involved in any disputes or disagreements between contractors and customers. Disputes should be resolved through consultation between contractors, customers, and/or any associated professionals. We are not responsible for any damages, losses, or disagreements arising from the use of this website to connect contractors with customers.

All information provided on this website, including the described and offered services, is not intended as professional advice. Please seek professional advice before using the services offered and entering into any agreements.

BRR shall not be liable for any damages resulting from using the service or its content. BRR reserves the right to modify the website’s content without prior notice.

BRR does not guarantee that the website is free of viruses or harmful components.